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Updating visuals based on our feedback from last session

Updated: May 14, 2020

Radial plots

After the feedback from the last session we decided to add to our spiderplots overall mean score for each statistic. We also thought about adding more plots on one page next to each other but plots need to be relativelly large to be legible so we could not fit 6 plots of the appropriate size on one screen. That is why we decided to go with displaying the mean in a plot which allows us to say which teams are good and bad.

Faceted scatterplots

The faceted scatterplots were also modified a bit to make them easier to use and interpret. Final choice of attributes to be used in the plots were made, and a vertical and horizontal line illustrating the average of the teams in the plot was added to each plot, to make it easier to distinguish the teams that were performing better than other ones each that category. Also, a possibility to highlight specific teams by clicking the legend was added (multiple teams can be chosen using shift + click), in addition to other improvements in highlighting the different teams. The color was also defined to be gray for all teams that are not selected, to avoid too many colors in the graph. The first view of the plots might be a bit confusing as there are too many datapoints, and therefore the season selection should be done before further looking into the graphs. We couldn't figure out how to choose a "default" value for the selection so that it would be evaluated when the graph is first compiled and the selection "null", where all of the seasons are visible would not be showed first. So if anyone has any tips regarding that they would be greatly appreciated. The source codes for the visuals can be found from here: defensive and offensive.

The next step with these visuals is to use them to find out which teams are the best ones in defense and which ones are the best in offense. More on that later this week.

Adding Pyramid chart

From the last post, the relationship between fair play and winning tendency is visualized on scatter plot and regression line. Each point on the plot represents the information for each match. This time, we condensed the statistics of each team through seasons. On the left is percentage of winning matches on overall for each team, which is ranked from highest to lowest. The right side visualize total number of fouls. In each bar, there are two part separated by different colors, representing total fouls of winning matches, and total fouls of losing matches. Those information can be seen by tooltips. The codes can be found here.

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